
Blogs that begin with a 'hey guys, welcome...!' post have a tendency to stop updating shortly after that, so I wrote a couple of standard posts first: there are more lined up in the 'scheduled' section.

This blog accompanies The Dark Side, a radio show and podcast based in Limerick, Ireland. We focus on heavy metal and other alternative genres, and are especially interested in the Irish scene. As of now, I'm only intending to cover Irish bands on the blog's gig and album write-ups, but that's a decision rather than a pledge; when the next Eluveitie album drops it may get more than a mention.

Music criticism is a strange game in itself, and if you've read any of my articles you'll have noticed that there's more of a tendency to list things that are excellent rather than balance the bitter with the sweet. It's partially because I like to give good press to new, rising artists; but also because I'm freely choosing what to write about. It's much more fun to enthuse than criticise. If I put an album write-up here, you can consider it a recommendation, and if your album makes an appearance here, you can rest assured that I thought it was good enough to write about. So, long story short, I'm very positive, but I write it from an honest place.

For all the use of 'we', The Dark Side is currently just me: a 24-year-old PhD student with time on my hands. I've been a metal fan since 2007 (thank you 'As Daylight Dies') and a radio producer/presenter since 2010 (thank you Wired FM). Our show only has access to an FM broadcast during college terms, but I've moved to recording podcasts for the summer months. Personally, I would like to say I love all metal equally, but I'm more of a fan of melodic genres ( Power, Folk, Gothic Doom, etc.), and more invested in the European scene than the U.S. one. Naturally the Irish scene is what I'm most focused on, and I'm always on the prowl for new and exciting artists.

There's no schedule so far; I'll get reviews up as I find new albums, and gig reviews up as bands come into my range. If you'd like to suggest anything, feel absolutely free, and if you have an album to send on I'd be more than happy to check it out.

You can get in touch or find out more at any of our online faces:


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