I've reviewed EPs before, so I'm aware they're generally samplers rather than little albums. In that case, what's important is that they are free of filler, and show the band operating at maximum capacity for the entirety. Cork's BAILER pull this off with flying colours, and 'PTSD''s set of dirty hardrcore/metalcore numbers will leave you eager for more. The lads inject the tracks with non-stop energy, every segment sounding like the most intense part of the song, with variance in tempo the closest thing to letting up. No clean vocals, no playing with samples, not even a lot of loudquietloud. It's just hardcore plain and simple. A metalcore twist adds a somewhat slower tempo, plus some breakdowns to keep the crowd fighting. Alex's vocals are a highlight for me, but all cylinders are firing here.
The sample single 'In For a Penny, In For a Pound' is pretty much a statement of intent, with a roaring vocal lead over a few seconds of tense lead-in riffage; it's surprising that ten seconds of buildup can do so much for pacing. From there, it's a rollercoaster of fast and slow sections throughout. 'Death Waits' provides that old hardcore staple of the really short song. A rising build, two words shouted, then shouted again, and then a fade-out, with a vicious spiraling melody under it. Forty-five seconds in all, but it works. 'Malevolent' brings back the fast-slow-fast game, with interesting vocals that are almost (but not quite) clean at times. It all goes chaotic near the end, with staccato vocals seeming to follow the drums. The last track is a remaster of ' The Benefit of Doubt', from BAILER's last EP. I can't say it's lighter, but it's slower and more structured than the rest. With rising acts, I generally look to compliment them on improved complexity and production since their earlier work, but having gone back through their other EPs, I have to say BAILER have been operating at a high standard across the board. The remastered 'Benefit of Doubt' sounds a bit fuller and more balanced, but I had to play them back-to-back to catch on.
The EP grew out of a single, so the entire thing has a runtime on par with the average Third Island song, but that's not a problem in itself. The lads have been releasing regular samples for the last few years and I'm told there's more on the way before long; the 'short but frequent' format suits the genre anyway. Pick this up for sure, but be aware that, more than most genres, 'core is a sound that is best experienced in the flesh. 'PTSD' got me excited to hear more recorded material from BAILER, but more urgently, I need to catch them on a stage in the near future. You should too.
Favourite Track: In For a Penny, In For a Pound
Polite Recommendation: I mean... more of it, that's pretty much it.
Get it here: Pre-order (released June 16th)
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